Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Replace Panic With Education!

Turn off the TV, ignore the media hype and educate yourself with articles like this one.


Anonymous said...

Cindy, Thank you so much for posting this. I'm thankful once again that I don't have TV service to scare my family. Amazing how healthy bodies fight infection. We got a scary note a few weeks ago about another student in Gabe's kindergarten class with Pertussis. The school nurse was thanking parents for vaccinating and warning those that haven't. And guess what? The child with pertussis had been vaccinated. And despite lots of hugs and sharing, my non-vaxed son did not catch it. How wonderful! Not worried about swine flu. Now off to restock our Vitamins A and C...Miss you, Cheryl W

Adam, Hilly, Wes and Meg said...
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Adam, Hilly, Wes and Meg said...

Adam found this great article to help educate his patients on the happs
Thanks so much for your examples! I love reading your blog!!

Caroline said...

Thanks for this. I've told everyone to stop panicking and that it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone says. We just need to be cautious and take the necessary measures to make sure we are healthy, but we definitely don't need a vaccine to fix it all.

And as a side note, you would have LOVED (and I saw that very sarcastically) the episode of Law and Order SVU last night where the cause of death was measles because a mother chose not to vaccinate her son. My mama-bear hairs were on end, and I didn't appreciate the biased lecture. They attempted to be "fair" and show the other side, but it didn't last long.

feltsdia said...

Thanks, as always, for your good information!